Iostat Plotter v3.1 For Plotting Iostat Output && For Concatenating Multiple Iostat Outputs Into One

This is just a small bug fix from the version provided here: Iostat Plotter v3. Example out is right here.


Download Iostat Plotter v3.1 here  (see below for full version)

Pre Requisites: apt-get install sysstat this works with sysstat v9 and v10. (it might work with v11, I have not tested it – I asked author to update his software to include v11)

How to use it? First use iostat to generate your text output. Then use iostat plotter to generate your Reports into a folder HTML_REPORT. Run it with -h option to see how to use it. You can open up the reports with a browser, its just one html file in HTML_REPORT folder. Your plots gets saved as png images in the same report folder HTML_REPORT.

Here is the original Iostat Plotter v3. However I had a bug with that one, some of you might encounter it that dont have DISPLAY on your server. This v3.1 fixes it by using matplotlab.use(‘agg’) which fixes the DISPLAY issue, by forcing matplotlib to save its figures as pngs (instead of DISPLAYing them). The default behaviour of matplotlib is to display the plots, however if there is no display/monitor we have an issue. More details about that bug below:

Bug details and Fix: “no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable”
I uped the version number to v3.1. Also I have submitted this to the author as a comment (It has not been accepted yet, so im posting this on my site)
* Here is the problem & fix explained:
* Here is the v3.1 fixed version:
* Here is raw format v3.1 for wget & curl:


The above only plots 1 iostat output file at a time. What if you wanted to generate a report from several iostat output files?.

First off each iostat output, must come from the same server/NAS/PC, and must all include the same number of devices. So if one set of iostat output is for sda and another is for md125 then you cant concat them. However if both are for sda then that works. Or if both are just for md125 than that work. Or if both are for sda and md125 than that also works.

Lets say you have many iostat plots, how can you concat them together and plot them? Well for one you cant just concat them. The trick (and this script does all of this), arrange them in order, then append them all together but you only keep the header line of the first iostat output file.

# pre-req: iostat_plotter_v3.1
# pre-req: edit IO_PLOTTER_V31 to full path of executable iostat_plotter_v3.1
# combining multiple iostat outputs into 1 plottable output (and plot the output)
# each iostat output has to have the same devices & same number of devices
# so I ran this at different times of the day:
#  iostat -c -d -x -t -m /dev/md125 /dev/md126 /dev/md127 1 60 > iostat.out.1
#  iostat -c -d -x -t -m /dev/md125 /dev/md126 /dev/md127 1 60 > iostat.out.2
#  iostat -c -d -x -t -m /dev/md125 /dev/md126 /dev/md127 1 60 > iostat.out.3
# How to run:
# I can combine them (in any order, script below will sort correctly):
#  ./  iostat.out.3 iostat.out.1 iostat.out.2
# Or more commonly:
# ./  iostat.out.*
# note: make sure the input files dont have any spaces (space processing is not well done)
# Results:
# Properly concatenated iostat outputed into $FINAL file (default name: iopm_final.out)
# Plotted Results go to HTML_REPORT
# ------------------------------------- #
# variables and iostat_plotter_program
# ------------------------------------- #
# ------------------------------------------------------------ #
# sort file list from oldest to newest
# find header & get first two terms save to CUT
# which will reappear in each header
# once per each file in the list
# we only need to keep the first header for final format
# we save the first header to HEADER
# ------------------------------------------------------------ #
SORTEDLIST=$(echo `ls -1Str $LIST`)
HEADER=`cat $SORTEDLIST | head -n1`
CUT=`echo $HEADER | cut -f1,2 -d" "`
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# we now create the final format which will be run thru ioplotter
# final format: header at top, the rest of the text without header(or cut)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
cat $SORTEDLIST | grep -v "$CUT" >> $FINAL
echo "final: $FINAL"
# - below is optional & can be done manually - #
echo "running: $IO_PLOTTER_V31 -c $FINAL"
echo "-----------  starting the plotting  -----------"
# --- end --- #



Here is the script thats also on pastebin.

# Enhanced data plotter for iostat output. Feb. 22 2014
# Copyright Jeffrey B. Layton
# License: GNU GPL v2 (
# Version 2, June 1991
# Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
# Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
# of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
# To run the application first gather the iostat information using:
# [laytonjb ~]$ iostat -c -d -x -t -m /dev/sda 1 100 > iostat.out
# where /dev/sda is the specific device you want to monitor which is
# up to you. If you don't put a device there, iostat will monitor
# all devices. For example:
# [laytonjb ~]$ iostat -c -d -x -t -m 1 100 > iostat.out
# "1 100" which tells iostat to use "1" second intervals  and "100"
# means to gather data for 100 time (or 100 sceonds in this case).
# Then to run iostat_plotter, the command is,
# [laytonjb ~]$ iostat.out
# where "iostat.out" is the output from iostat. The code is written
# in Python (obviously) and uses the shlex, time, os, and matplotlib
# modules. iostat_plotter is smart enough to gather the data for each
# device and plot them separately.
# Alternatively, you can run as,
# [laytonjb ~]$ -c iostat.out
# where the option "-c" stands for "combined" plots which plots all
# of the devices on the same plot.
# When iostat_plotter is done it will create a subdirectory "HTML_REPORT"
# that contains the plots and an html file "report.html". Open that
# html file in a browser or word processor and you will see the plots
# and a small write-up about them. Feel free to modify the code but
# please send back changes.

import sys
   import shlex                      # Needed for splitting input lines
except ImportError:
   print "Cannot import shlex module - this is needed for this application.";
   print "Exiting..."

   import time;                       # Needed for time conversion function
   time_var = 1
   time_var = 0;
   print "Cannot find time module - this is needed for this application.";
   print "Exiting..."

   import matplotlib                  # imported for fix:
   matplotlib.use('Agg')              # matplotlib only used once, plt on the other hand used alot
   import matplotlib.pyplot as plt;   # Needed for plots
   matplotlib_var = 1
   matplotlib_var = 0;
   print "Cannot find matplotlib - this is needed for this application.";
   print "Exiting..."

   import os                           # Needed for mkdir
except ImportError:
   print "Cannot import os module - this is needed for this application.";
   print "Exiting..."

   import pickle                      # Needed for pickle
   pickle_success = 1;
except ImportError:
   print "Cannot import pickle module - this is not needed for this application.";
   print "Continuing to process";
   pickle_success = 0;

# ------------------------------

def help_out():
   # prints out help information and stops
   print " ";
   print "This application creates a short HTML based report from iostat output";
   print "(part of the sysstat tools). The report includes plots that help";
   print "analyze the output. It can adapt to sysstat v9.x format or sysstat";
   print "v10.x output (it is slightly different). Many distributions such as";
   print "CentOS or Red Hat use sysstat version 9.x. However, it is recommended";
   print "that you upgrad to sysstat 10.x because you get slightly more information.";
   print "It is not a difficult task but be sure you install over the previous";
   print "version.";
   print " ";
   print "To run the application first gather the iostat information using: ";
   print "the following example.";
   print " ";
   print "[laytonjb ~]$ iostat -c -d -x -t -m /dev/sda 1 100 > iostat.out ";
   print " ";
   print "where the \"-c\" option displays the CPU utilization, the \"-d\" option";
   print "displays the device utilization, the \"-x\" option displays extended";
   print "statistics, and the \"-m\" option diplays the statistics in megabytes";
   print "per second. The options \"1 100\" tell iostat to use \"1\" second ";
   print "intervals and \"100\" means to gather data for 100 internvals (or 100";
   print "seconds in this case). ";
   print " ";
   print "After the \"-m\" option is /dev/sda which is the specific device";
   print "you want to monitor. This option is up to you. If you don't put a ";
   print "device there, iostat will monitor all devices. For example:"
   print " ";
   print "[laytonjb ~]$ iostat -c -d -x -t -m 1 100 > iostat.out ";
   print " ";
   print "which captures the data from all devices.";
   print " ";
   print "In these two examples, the output from iostat is send to a file which is";
   print "\"iostat.out\". You can name the file anything you want but be sure ";
   print "note the name of the file.";
   print " ";
   print "Then to run iostat_plotter using the iostat output file, the command is, ";
   print " ";
   print "[laytonjb ~]$ iostat.out ";
   print " ";
   print "where \"iostat.out\" is the output from iostat. The code is written ";
   print "in Python (obviously) and uses the shlex, time, os, and matplotlib ";
   print "modules. Be sure this libraries are installed on your system.";
   print " ";
   print "You can run iostat_plotter in one of two ways. The first way creates ";
   print "the set of plots for each device on the node. In this version of ";
   print "iostat_plotter, 11 plots are created per device, so if you have two";
   print "devices on the node, then you will ahve a total of 22 plots.";
   print " ";
   print "The other way to run niostat_plotter is to combine the results for each";
   print "device in the plots. This means you will have only 11 plots ";
   print "in the HTML report even if you have more than one device. You run this ";
   print "with the following command:";
   print " ";
   print "[laytonjb ~]$ -c iostat.out ";
   print " ";
   print "The option \"-c\" tells iostat_plotter to \"combine\" the results from";
   print "all of the devices into a single plot. Currently, you can analyze about";
   print "8 devices. With more than 8 devices, the legend labels run into each other.";
   print " ";
   print "When iostat_plotter is done it will create a subdirectory \"HTML_REPORT\" ";
   print "that contains the plots and an html file \"report.html\". Open that ";
   print "html file in a browser or word processor and you will see the plots ";
   print "and a small write-up about them. Feel free to modify the code but ";
   print "please send back changes. ";
   print " ";

# end def

def Three_Chart(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, xlabel, ylabel1, ylabel2, ylabel3,
                d1, d2, d3, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion):
   # Creates 3 vertical subplots with legends and 1 x-axis label at the
   #   the bottom
   # x1 = x-axis data for top plot
   # x2 = x-axis data for middle plot
   # x3 = x-axis data for bottom plot
   # y1 = y-axis data for top plot
   # y2 = y-axis data for middle plot
   # y3 = y-axis data for bottom plot
   # xlabel = x-axis label (only on bottom plot)
   # ylabel1 = label for top y-axis
   # ylabel2 = label for middle y-axis
   # ylabel3 = label for bottom plot
   # d1 = data label for top plot
   # d2 = data label for middle plot
   # d3 = data label for bottom plot
   # fsize = font size for tick labels
   # flegsize = font size for legend labels
   # filename = name of file for plot output
   # box_expansion = expansion factor on legend box

   # Top plot
   ax1 = plt.subplot(311);                 # Define top plot using subplot function
   plt.plot(x1,y1, "ro-", label=d1);       # Plot the first data set with a red line wiht "o" as a symbol
   plt.xlabel(" ");                        # Don't put an x-axis label since it's the top plot
   plt.ylabel(ylabel1, fontsize=6);    # Use a 10 pt font for y-axis label
   ax1.set_xticklabels([]);                # get x-axis tick label

   # Legend
   box = ax1.get_position()
   ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height])
   leg1 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                     borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
   frame1 = leg1.get_frame();
   frame1.set_facecolor("0.80");           # Make legend box have a gray background
   for t in leg1.get_texts():
      t.set_fontsize(flegsize);               # Change the font size of the legend text to 10 pt.
   # end for


   # Middle plot
   ax2 = plt.subplot(312);
   plt.plot(x2,y2, "bo-", label=d2);
   plt.xlabel(" ");
   plt.ylabel(ylabel2, fontsize=fsize);

   # Legend
   box = ax2.get_position();
   ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height]);
   leg2 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                     borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
   frame2 = leg2.get_frame();
   for t in leg2.get_texts():
   # end for


   # Bottom plot
   ax3 = plt.subplot(313);
   plt.plot(x3,y3, "go-", label=d3);
   plt.ylabel(ylabel3, fontsize=fsize);

   # Legend
   box = ax3.get_position()
   ax3.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height])
   leg3 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                     borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
   frame3 = leg3.get_frame();
   for t in leg3.get_texts():
   # end for


   # Either save the plot to a file or display it to the screen
   if (len(filename) == 0):;
   # end if

# end def

def Two_Chart(x1, y1, x2, y2, xlabel, ylabel1, ylabel2, d1, d2, fsize, flegsize,
              filename, box_expansion):
   # Creates 2 vertical subplots with legends and 1 x-axis label at the
   #   the bottom
   # x1 = x-axis data for top plot
   # x2 = x-axis data for bottom plot
   # y1 = y-axis data for top plot
   # y2 = y-axis data for bottom plot
   # xlabel = x-axis label (only on bottom plot)
   # ylabel1 = label for top y-axis
   # ylabel2 = label for bottom y-axis
   # d1 = data label for top plot
   # d2 = data label for bottom plot
   # fsize = font size for tick labels
   # flegsize = font size for legend labels
   # filename = name of file for plot output
   # box_expansion = expansion factor for legend

   # Top plot
   ax1 = plt.subplot(211);
   plt.plot(x1,y1, "ro-", label=d1);
   plt.xlabel(" ");
   plt.ylabel(ylabel1, fontsize=fsize);

   # Legend
   box = ax1.get_position()
   ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height])
   leg1 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                     borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
   frame1 = leg1.get_frame();
   for t in leg1.get_texts():
   # end for

   # Bottom Plot
   ax2 = plt.subplot(212);
   plt.plot(x2,y2, "go-", label=d2);
   plt.ylabel(ylabel2, fontsize=fsize);

   # Legend
   box = ax2.get_position()
   ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height])
   leg2 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                     borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
   frame2 = leg2.get_frame();
   for t in leg2.get_texts():
   # end for

   if (len(filename) == 0):;
   # end if

# end def

def One_Chart(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, d, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion):
   # Creates 1 chart with a legend and 1 x-axis label
   # x = x-axis data
   # y = y-axis data
   # xlabel = x-axis label
   # ylabel1 = label for y-axis
   # d = data label
   # fsize = Font size for tick marks and labels
   # flegsize = Legend font size
   # filename = name of file for plot output
   # box_expansion = expansion factor for legend
   ax1 = plt.subplot(111);
   plt.plot(x,y, "go-", label=d);
   plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fsize);

   # Legend
   box = ax1.get_position()
   ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height])
   leg1 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                     borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
   frame = leg1.get_frame();
   for t in leg1.get_texts():
   # end for

   if (len(filename) == 0):;
   # end if

# end def

def plot1(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, user_list, system_list,
          nice_list, fsize, item):
   # Figure 1: Various CPU percentages (user, system, nice) vs. time (3 subplots)
   junk1 = "cpu_utilization" + str(iloop);
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = "<H4> \n";
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">Percentage CPU Time (CPU Utilization)</a>";
      output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n";
      output_str = output_str + "</H4> \n";
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = "<H3> \n";
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">Percentage CPU Time (CPU Utilization)</a>";
      output_str = output_str + "</H3> \n";
   #end if
   output_str = output_str + " \n";
   output_str = output_str + "<P> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "This figure plots three types of CPU Utilization: (1) User, \n";
   output_str = output_str + "(2) System, and (3) Nice. The User utilization is the  percentage \n";
   output_str = output_str + "of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the user level \n";
   output_str = output_str + "(applications).The System utilization is the percentage of CPU \n";
   output_str = output_str + "utilization that occurred while executing at the system level \n";
   output_str = output_str + "(kernel). The third time is the Nice utilization which is the \n";
   output_str = output_str + "percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at \n";
   output_str = output_str + "the  user  level with nice priority. \n";

   # make the plot
   ylabel1 = "% CPU Utilization \n by User tasks";
   ylabel2 = "% CPU Utilization \n by System tasks";
   ylabel3 = "% CPU Utilization \n by Nice tasks";
   xlabel = "Time (seconds)";
   d1 = "User";
   d2 = "System";
   d3 = "Nice";
   filename = dirname + "/percentage_cpu_utilization" + str(iloop);
   fsize = 8;
   flegsize = 6;

   # Compute box_expansion factor:
   box_expansion = 0.95;   # Default
   ilongest = 0;
   if (len(d1) > ilongest):
      ilongest = len(d1);
   # end if
   if (len(d2) > ilongest):
      ilongest = len(d2);
   # end if
   if (len(d3) > ilongest):
      ilongest = len(d3);
   # end if
   junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948;   # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box
   expansion_box = round(junk1,2);

   Three_Chart(x_seconds, user_list, x_seconds, system_list, x_seconds, nice_list,
               xlabel, ylabel1, ylabel2, ylabel3, d1, d2, d3, fsize, flegsize,
               filename, box_expansion);

   # HTML Output: (Figure html)
   output_str = "<center> \n";
   junk1 = "percentage_cpu_utilization" + str(iloop) + ".png";
   output_str = output_str + "<img src=\"" + junk1 + "\"> \n";
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Percentage CPU Utilization (User, System, and Nice) for device: " + item["device"] + "</strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Percentage CPU Utilization (User, System, and Nice) for device </strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   #end if
   output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "</P> \n \n";

# end def

def plot2(iloop, iplot,  combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, iowait_list,
          fsize, item):
   # Figure 2: iowait percentage time
   junk1 = "iowait_cpu_utilization" + str(iloop);
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = "<H4> \n"
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">IOWait Percentage Time</a>";
      output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n";
      output_str = output_str + "</H4> \n";
   elif(combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = "<H3> \n"
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">IOWait Percentage Time</a>";
      output_str = output_str + "</H3> \n";
   # end if
   output_str = output_str + " \n";
   output_str = output_str + "<P> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "This is the percentage of time that the CPU or CPUs were idle \n";
   output_str = output_str + "during which the system had an outstanding disk device I/O request. \n";

   # make the plot
   ylabel = "% IOwait CPU Percentage Time \n Waiting for IO requests";
   xlabel = "Time (seconds)";
   d = "IOwait";
   filename = dirname + "/iowait_percentage_cpu_time" + str(iloop);
   fsize = 8;
   flegsize = 6;

   # Compute box_expansion factor:
   box_expansion = 0.96;
   ilongest = 0;
   if (len(d) > ilongest):
      ilongest = len(d);
   # end if
   junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948;   # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box
   expansion_box = round(junk1,2);

   One_Chart(x_seconds, iowait_list, xlabel, ylabel, d, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion);

   # HTML Output:
   output_str = "<center> \n";
   junk1 = "iowait_percentage_cpu_time" + str(iloop) + ".png";
   output_str = output_str + "<img src=\"" + junk1 + "\"> \n";
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Percentage CPU Time waiting to process disk requests for device: " + item["device"] + "</strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Percentage CPU Time waiting to process disk requests </strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   # end if
   output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "</P> \n \n";

# end def

def plot3(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, steal_list,
          fsize, item):
   # Figure 3: Steal Time
   junk1 = "steal_cpu_utilization" + str(iloop);
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = "<H4> \n"
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">Steal Percentage Time</a>";
      output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n";
      output_str = output_str + "</H4> \n";
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = "<H3> \n"
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">Steal Percentage Time</a>";
      output_str = output_str + "</H3> \n";
   # end if
   output_str = output_str + " \n";
   output_str = output_str + "<P> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "This is the percentage of time spent in involuntary \n";
   output_str = output_str + "wait by the virtual CPU or CPUs while the hypervisor was \n";
   output_str = output_str + "servicing another virtual processor. \n";

   # make the plot
   ylabel = "% Steal CPU Percentage Time \n Waiting for IO requests";
   xlabel = "Time (seconds)";
   d = "Steal";
   filename = dirname + "/steal_percentage_cpu_time" + str(iloop);
   fsize = 8;
   flegsize = 6;

   # Compute box_expansion factor:
   box_expansion = 0.96;
   ilongest = 0;
   if (len(d) > ilongest):
      ilongest = len(d);
   # end if
   junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948;   # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box
   expansion_box = round(junk1,2);

   One_Chart(x_seconds, steal_list, xlabel, ylabel, d, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion);

   # HTML Output:
   output_str = "<center> \n";
   junk1 = "steal_percentage_cpu_time" + str(iloop) + ".png";
   output_str = output_str + "<img src=\"" + junk1 + "\"> \n";
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Percentage CPU Time in involuntary waiting for device: " + item["device"] + "</strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Percentage CPU Time in involuntary waiting </strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   # end if
   output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "</P> \n \n";

# end def

def plot4(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, idle_list,
          fsize, item):
   # Figure 4: Idle Time
   junk1 = "idle_cpu_utilization" + str(iloop);
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = "<H4> \n"
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">Idle Percentage Time with no IO requests</a>";
      output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n";
      output_str = output_str + "</H4> \n";
   elif(combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = "<H3> \n"
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">Idle Percentage Time with no IO requests</a>";
      output_str = output_str + "</H3> \n";
   # end if
   output_str = output_str + " \n";
   output_str = output_str + "<P> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "This is the percentage of time that the CPU or CPUs were \n";
   output_str = output_str + "idle and the system did not have an outstanding disk I/O request. \n";

   # make the plot
   ylabel = "% Idle CPU Percentage Time \n and no Waiting for IO requests";
   xlabel = "Time (seconds)";
   d = "Idle";
   filename = dirname + "/idle_percentage_cpu_time" + str(iloop);
   fsize = 8;
   flegsize = 6;

   # Compute box_expansion factor:
   box_expansion = 0.97;
   ilongest = 0;
   if (len(d) > ilongest):
      ilongest = len(d);
   # end if
   junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948;   # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box
   expansion_box = round(junk1,2);

   One_Chart(x_seconds, idle_list, xlabel, ylabel, d, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion);

   # HTML Output:
   output_str = "<center> \n";
   junk1 = "idle_percentage_cpu_time" + str(iloop) + ".png";
   output_str = output_str + "<img src=\"" + junk1 + "\"> \n";
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Percentage CPU Time in idle activities with no IO requests for device: " + item["device"] + "</strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Percentage CPU Time in idle activities with no IO requests </strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   # end if
   output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "</P> \n \n";
# end if

def plot5(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
          fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list):
   # Figure 5: Read Throughput and Total CPU Utilization
   junk1 = "rmb_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = "<H4> \n"
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">Read Throughput and Total CPU Utilization</a>";
      output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n";
      output_str = output_str + "</H4> \n";
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = "<H3> \n"
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">Read Throughput and Total CPU Utilization</a>";
      output_str = output_str + "</H3> \n";
   # end if
   output_str = output_str + " \n";
   output_str = output_str + "<P> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "This figure has two parts. The top graph plots the Read Rate \n";
   output_str = output_str + "in MB/s versus time and the bottom graph plots the Total CPU \n";
   output_str = output_str + "Utilization percentage (User Time + System Time). \n";

   # make the plot
   ylabel1 = "Read Throughput (MB/s)";
   ylabel2 = "Total CPU Percentage Utilization";
   xlabel = "Time (seconds)";
   d1 = "Read Throughput";
   d2 = "Total CPU Util";
   filename = dirname + "/read_throughput" + str(iloop);
   fsize = 8;
   flegsize = 6;

   if (combined_plots == 0):

      # Compute box_expansion factor:
      box_expansion = 0.88;   # default
      ilongest = 0;
      if (len(d1) > ilongest):
         ilongest = len(d1);
      # end if
      if (len(d2) > ilongest):
         ilongest = len(d2);
      # end if
      junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948;   # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box
      expansion_box = round(junk1,2);

      Two_Chart(x_seconds, item["rMB"], x_seconds, time_sum_list, xlabel, ylabel1,
                ylabel2, d1, d2, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion);
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      jloop = -1;

      # Compute expansion_box factor:
      box_expansion = 0.88;   # default
      ilongest = 0;
      for item in device_data_list:
         if (len(d1) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d1);
         # end if
         d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1;
         if (len(d11) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d11);
         # end if
         if (len(d2) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d2);
         # end if
         d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2;
         if (len(d22) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d22);
         # end if
      # end for
      junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948;   # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box
      expansion_box = round(junk1,2);

      # Top plot
      for item in device_data_list:
         jloop = jloop + 1;

         marker = line_list[jloop];
         ax1 = plt.subplot(211);
         d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1;
         plt.plot(x_seconds, item["rMB"], marker, label=d11);
         plt.xlabel(" ");
         plt.ylabel(ylabel1, fontsize=fsize);
      # end for
      # Legend
      box = ax1.get_position();
      ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height]);
      leg1 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                        borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
      frame1 = leg1.get_frame();
      for t in leg1.get_texts():
      # end for

      # Bottom Plot
      fsize = 8;
      flegsize = 6;
      ax2 = plt.subplot(212);
      plt.plot(x_seconds, time_sum_list, "go-", label=d2);
      plt.ylabel(ylabel2, fontsize=fsize);

      # Legend
      box = ax2.get_position()
      ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height])
      leg2 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.0, labelspacing=0,
                        borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
      frame2 = leg2.get_frame();
      for t in leg2.get_texts():
      # end for

      if (len(filename) == 0):;
      # end if
   # end if

   # HTML Output:
   output_str = "<center> \n";
   junk1 = "read_throughput" + str(iloop) + ".png";
   output_str = output_str + "<img src=\"" + junk1 + "\"> \n";
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Read Throughput (MB/s) and Total CPU Utilization Percentage for device: " + item["device"] + "</strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   if (combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Read Throughput (MB/s) and Total CPU Utilization Percentage </strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   # end if
   output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "</P> \n \n";

# end if

def plot6(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
          fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list):
   # Figure 6: Write Throughput and Total CPU Utilization
   junk1 = "wmb_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = "<H4> \n"
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">Write Throughput and Total CPU Utilization</a>";
      output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n";
      output_str = output_str + "</H4> \n";
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = "<H3> \n"
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">Write Throughput and Total CPU Utilization</a>";
      output_str = output_str + "</H3> \n";
   # end if
   output_str = output_str + " \n";
   output_str = output_str + "<P> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "This figure has two parts. The top graph plots the Write Rate \n";
   output_str = output_str + "in MB/s versus time and the bottom graph plots the Total CPU \n";
   output_str = output_str + "Utilization percentage (User Time + System Time). \n";

   # make the plot
   ylabel1 = "Write Throughput (MB/s)";
   ylabel2 = "Total CPU Percentage Utilization";
   xlabel = "Time (seconds)";
   d1 = "Write Throughput";
   d2 = "Total CPU Utilization";
   filename = dirname + "/write_throughput" + str(iloop);
   fsize = 8;
   flegsize = 6;

   if (combined_plots == 0):

      # Compute box_expansion factor:
      box_expansion = 0.82;   # default
      ilongest = 0;
      if (len(d1) > ilongest):
         ilongest = len(d1);
      # end if
      if (len(d2) > ilongest):
         ilongest = len(d2);
      # end if
      junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948;   # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box
      expansion_box = round(junk1,2);

      Two_Chart(x_seconds, item["wMB"], x_seconds, time_sum_list, xlabel, ylabel1,
                ylabel2, d1, d2, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion);
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      jloop = -1;

      # Compute box_expansion factor:
      box_expansion = 0.88;   # Default
      ilongest = 0;
      for item in device_data_list:
         if (len(d1) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d1);
         # end if
         d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1;
         if (len(d11) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d11);
         # end if
         if (len(d2) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d2);
         # end if
         d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2;
         if (len(d22) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d22);
         # end if
      # end for
      junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948;   # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box
      expansion_box = round(junk1,2);

      # Top plot
      for item in device_data_list:
         jloop = jloop + 1;

         marker = line_list[jloop];
         ax1 = plt.subplot(211);
         d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1;
         plt.plot(x_seconds, item["wMB"], marker, label=d11);
         plt.xlabel(" ");
         plt.ylabel(ylabel1, fontsize=fsize);
      # end for
      # Legend
      box = ax1.get_position();
      ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height])
      leg1 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                        borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
      frame1 = leg1.get_frame();
      for t in leg1.get_texts():
      # end for

      # Bottom Plot
      ax2 = plt.subplot(212);
      plt.plot(x_seconds, time_sum_list, "go-", label=d2);
      plt.ylabel(ylabel2, fontsize=fsize);

      # Legend
      box = ax2.get_position()
      ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height])
      leg2 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                        borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
      frame2 = leg2.get_frame();
      for t in leg2.get_texts():
      # end for

      if (len(filename) == 0):;
      # end if
   # end if

   # HTML Output:
   output_str = "<center> \n";
   junk1 = "write_throughput" + str(iloop) + ".png";
   output_str = output_str + "<img src=\"" + junk1 + "\"> \n";
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Write Throughput (MB/s) and Total CPU Utilization Percentage for device: " + item["device"] + "</strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
       output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Write Throughput (MB/s) and Total CPU Utilization Percentage </strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   # end if
   output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "</P> \n \n";

# end def

def plot7(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
          fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list):
   # Figure 7: Read Request complete rate, Write Request complete rate, and Total CPU Utilization
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = "<H4> \n"
      junk1 = "requests_complete_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">Read Requests Complete, Write Requests Complete, and Total CPU Utilization</a>";
      output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n";
      output_str = output_str + "</H4> \n";
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = "<H3> \n"
      junk1 = "requests_complete_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">Read Requests Complete, Write Requests Complete, and Total CPU Utilization</a>";
      output_str = output_str + "</H3> \n";
   # end if

   output_str = output_str + " \n";
   output_str = output_str + "<P> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "This figure has three parts. The top graph plots the number (after \n";
   output_str = output_str + "merges) of read requests completed per second for the device \n";
   output_str = output_str + "versus time. The middle graph plots the number (after merges) \n";
   output_str = output_str + "of write requests completed per second for the device versus time. \n";
   output_str = output_str + "The bottom graph plots the Total CPU Utilization percentage \n";
   output_str = output_str + "(User Time + System Time). \n";

   # make the plot
   ylabel1 = "Read requests \n complete rate \n (requests/s)";
   ylabel2 = "Write requests \n complete rate \n (requests/s)";
   ylabel3 = "Total CPU \n Percentage \n Utilization";
   xlabel = "Time (seconds)";
   d1 = "Read reqs complete";
   d2 = "Write reqs complete";
   d3 = "Total CPU Utilization";
   filename = dirname + "/read_write_requests_complete_rate" + str(iloop);
   fsize = 8;
   flegsize = 6;

   if (combined_plots == 0):

      # Compute box_expansion factor:
      box_expansion = 0.86;    # default
      ilongest = 0;
      if (len(d1) > ilongest):
         ilongest = len(d1);
      # end if
      if (len(d2) > ilongest):
         ilongest = len(d2);
      # end if
      if (len(d3) > ilongest):
         ilongest = len(d3);
      # end if
      junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948;   # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box
      expansion_box = round(junk1,2);

      Three_Chart(x_seconds, item["r"], x_seconds, item["w"], x_seconds, time_sum_list, xlabel, ylabel1,
                  ylabel2, ylabel3, d1, d2, d3, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion);
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      jloop = -1;

      # Compute box_expansion factor:
      expansion_box = 0.86;   # default
      ilongest = 0;
      for item in device_data_list:
         if (len(d1) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d1);
         # end if
         d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1;
         if (len(d11) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d11);
         # end if
         if (len(d2) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d2);
         # end if
         d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2;
         if (len(d22) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d22);
         # end if
         if (len(d3) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d3);
         # end if
         d33 = item["device"] + " " + d3;
         if (len(d33) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d33);
      # end for
      junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948;   # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box
      expansion_box = round(junk1,2);

      # Top plot:
      for item in device_data_list:
         jloop = jloop + 1;

         marker = line_list[jloop];
         ax1 = plt.subplot(311);                 # Define top plot using subplot function
         d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1;
         plt.plot(x_seconds, item["r"], marker, label=d11);
         plt.xlabel(" ");                        # Don't put an x-axis label since it's the top plot
         plt.ylabel(ylabel1, fontsize=fsize);    # Use a 10 pt font for y-axis label
         ax1.set_xticklabels([]);                # get x-axis tick label

      # end for
      # Legend
      box = ax1.get_position()
      ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height])
      leg1 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                        borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
      frame1 = leg1.get_frame();
      frame1.set_facecolor("0.80");           # Make legend box have a gray background
      for t in leg1.get_texts():
         t.set_fontsize(flegsize);               # Change the font size of the legend text to 10 pt.
      # end if

      # Middle Plot:
      jloop = -1;
      for item in device_data_list:
         jloop = jloop + 1;

         marker = line_list[jloop];
         ax2 = plt.subplot(312);
         d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2;
         plt.plot(x_seconds, item["w"], marker, label=d22);
         plt.xlabel(" ");
         plt.ylabel(ylabel2, fontsize=fsize);

      # end for
      # Legend:
      box = ax2.get_position()
      ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height])
      leg2 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                        borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
      frame2 = leg2.get_frame();
      for t in leg2.get_texts():
      # end for

      # Bottom plot
      ax3 = plt.subplot(313);
      plt.plot(x_seconds, time_sum_list, "go-", label=d3);
      plt.ylabel(ylabel3, fontsize=fsize);

      # Legend
      box = ax3.get_position()
      ax3.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height])
      leg3 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                        borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
      frame3 = leg3.get_frame();
      for t in leg3.get_texts():
      # end for


      # Either save the plot to a file or display it to the screen
      if (len(filename) == 0):;
      # end if
   # end if

   # HTML Output:
   output_str = "<center> \n";
   junk1 = "read_write_requests_complete_rate" + str(iloop) + ".png";
   output_str = output_str + "<img src=\"" + junk1 + "\"> \n";
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Read Requests Completed Rate (requests/s), Write Requests Completed Rate (requests/s), and Total CPU Utilization Percentage for device: " + item["device"] + "</strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Read Requests Completed Rate (requests/s), Write Requests Completed Rate (requests/s), and Total CPU Utilization Percentage for device </strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   # end if
   output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "</P> \n \n";
# end def

def plot8(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
          fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list):
   # Figure 8: Read Request merge rate, Write Request merge rate, and Total CPU Utilization
   junk1 = "requests_merged_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = "<H4> \n"
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">Read Requests Merged rate, Write Requests Merged rate, and Total CPU Utilization</a>";
      output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n";
      output_str = output_str + "</H4> \n";
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = "<H3> \n"
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">Read Requests Merged rate, Write Requests Merged rate, and Total CPU Utilization</a>";
      output_str = output_str + "</H3> \n";
   # end if
   output_str = output_str + " \n";
   output_str = output_str + "<P> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "This figure has three parts. The top graph plots the number \n";
   output_str = output_str + "of read requests merged per second that were queued to the device. \n";
   output_str = output_str + "The middle graph plots the number of write requests merged per \n";
   output_str = output_str + "second that were queued to the device. The bottom graph plots \n";
   output_str = output_str + "the Total CPU Utilization percentage (User Time + System Time). \n";

   # make the plot
   ylabel1 = "Read request \n merged rate \n (requests/s)";
   ylabel2 = "Write request \n merged rate \n (requests/s)";
   ylabel3 = "Total CPU \n Percentage \n Utilization";
   xlabel = "Time (seconds)";
   d1 = "Read reqs merged";
   d2 = "Write reqs merged";
   d3 = "Total CPU Utilization";
   filename = dirname + "/read_write_requests_merged_rate" + str(iloop);
   fsize = 8;
   flegsize = 6;

   if (combined_plots == 0):

      # Compute box_expansion factor:
      box_expansion = 0.86;   # default
      ilongest = 0;
      if (len(d1) > ilongest):
         ilongest = len(d1);
      # end if
      if (len(d2) > ilongest):
         ilongest = len(d2);
      # end if
      if (len(d3) > ilongest):
         ilongest = len(d3);
      # end if
      junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948;   # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box
      expansion_box = round(junk1,2);

      Three_Chart(x_seconds, item["rrqm"], x_seconds, item["wrqm"], x_seconds, time_sum_list,
                  xlabel, ylabel1, ylabel2, ylabel3, d1, d2, d3, fsize, flegsize,
                  filename, box_expansion);
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      jloop = -1;

      # Compute box_expansion factor:
      expansion_box = 0.87;   # default
      ilongest = 0;
      for item in device_data_list:
         if (len(d1) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d1);
         # end if
         d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1;
         if (len(d11) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d11);
         # end if
         if (len(d2) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d2);
         # end if
         d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2;
         if (len(d22) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d22);
         # end if
         if (len(d3) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d3);
         # end if
         d33 = item["device"] + " " + d3;
         if (len(d33) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d33);
         # end if
      # end for
      junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948;   # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box
      expansion_box = round(junk1,2);

      # Top Plot
      for item in device_data_list:
         jloop = jloop + 1;

         marker = line_list[jloop];
         ax1 = plt.subplot(311);                 # Define top plot using subplot function
         d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1;
         plt.plot(x_seconds, item["rrqm"], marker, label=d11);
         plt.xlabel(" ");                        # Don't put an x-axis label since it's the top plot
         plt.ylabel(ylabel1, fontsize=fsize);    # Use a 10 pt font for y-axis label
         ax1.set_xticklabels([]);                # get x-axis tick label
      # end if
      # Legend
      box = ax1.get_position()
      ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height])
      leg1 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                        borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
      frame1 = leg1.get_frame();
      frame1.set_facecolor("0.80");           # Make legend box have a gray background
      for t in leg1.get_texts():
         t.set_fontsize(flegsize);            # Change the font size of the legend text to 10 pt.
      # end for

      # Middle plot
      jloop = -1;

      for item in device_data_list:
         jloop = jloop + 1;

         marker = line_list[jloop];
         ax2 = plt.subplot(312);
         d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2;
         plt.plot(x_seconds, item["wrqm"], marker, label=d22);
         plt.xlabel(" ");
         plt.ylabel(ylabel2, fontsize=fsize);
      # end for
      # Legend:
      box = ax2.get_position()
      ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height])
      leg2 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                        borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
      frame2 = leg2.get_frame();
      for t in leg2.get_texts():
      # end for

      # Bottom plot
      ax3 = plt.subplot(313);
      plt.plot(x_seconds, time_sum_list, "go-", label=d3);
      plt.ylabel(ylabel3, fontsize=fsize);

      # Legend
      box = ax3.get_position()
      ax3.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height])
      leg3 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                        borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
      frame3 = leg3.get_frame();
      for t in leg3.get_texts():
      # end for


      # Either save the plot to a file or display it to the screen
      if (len(filename) == 0):;
      # end if
   # end if

   # HTML Output:
   output_str = "<center> \n";
   junk1 = "read_write_requests_merged_rate" + str(iloop) + ".png";
   output_str = output_str + "<img src=\"" + junk1 + "\"> \n";
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Read Requests Merged Rate (requests/s), Write Requests Merged Rate (requests/s), and Total CPU Utilization Percentage for device: " + item["device"] + "</strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Read Requests Merged Rate (requests/s), Write Requests Merged Rate (requests/s), and Total CPU Utilization Percentage </strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   # end if
   output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "</P> \n \n";

# end def

def plot9(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
          fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list):
   # Figure 9: Avg. Request Size, Avg. Queue Length, and Total CPU Utilization
   junk1 = "requests_queue_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = "<H4> \n"
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">Average Request Size, Average Queue Length, and Total CPU Utilization</a>";
      output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n";
      output_str = output_str + "</H4> \n";
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = "<H3> \n"
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">Average Request Size, Average Queue Length, and Total CPU Utilization</a>";
      output_str = output_str + "</H3> \n";
   # end if
   output_str = output_str + " \n";
   output_str = output_str + "<P> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "This figure has three parts. The top graph plots the average \n";
   output_str = output_str + "size (in sectors) of the requests that were issued to the \n";
   output_str = output_str + "device. The middle graph plots the average queue length of \n";
   output_str = output_str + "the requests that were issued to the device. The bottom graph \n";
   output_str = output_str + "plots the Total CPU Utilization percentage (User Time + System \n";
   output_str = output_str + "Time). \n";

   # make the plot
   ylabel1 = "Average Size of \n IO requests \n (sectors)";
   ylabel2 = "Average Queue length \n of requests ";
   ylabel3 = "Total CPU \n Percentage \n Utilization";
   xlabel = "Time (seconds)";
   d1 = "Avg. Req. Size";
   d2 = "Avg. Queue length";
   d3 = "Total CPU Utilization";
   filename = dirname + "/requests_queue_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
   fsize = 8;
   flegsize = 6;

   if (combined_plots == 0):

      # Compute box_expansion factor:
      box_expansion = 0.86;   # default
      ilongest = 0;
      if (len(d1) > ilongest):
         ilongest = len(d1);
      # end if
      if (len(d2) > ilongest):
         ilongest = len(d2);
      # end if
      if (len(d3) > ilongest):
         ilongest = len(d3);
      # end if
      junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948;   # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box
      expansion_box = round(junk1,2);

      Three_Chart(x_seconds, item["avgrqsz"], x_seconds, item["avgqusz"], x_seconds, time_sum_list,
                  xlabel, ylabel1, ylabel2, ylabel3, d1, d2, d3, fsize, flegsize,
                  filename, box_expansion);
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      jloop = -1;

      # Compute box_expansion factor:
      box_expansion = 0.87;   # default
      ilongest = 0;
      for item in device_data_list:
         if (len(d1) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d1);
         # end if
         d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1;
         if (len(d11) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d11);
         # end if
         if (len(d2) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d2);
         # end if
         d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2;
         if (len(d22) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d22);
         # end if
         if (len(d3) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d3);
         # end if
         d33 = item["device"] + " " + d3;
         if (len(d33) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d33);
         # end if
      # end for
      junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948;   # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box
      expansion_box = round(junk1,2);

      # Top plot
      for item in device_data_list:
         jloop = jloop + 1;

         marker = line_list[jloop];
         ax1 = plt.subplot(311);                 # Define top plot using subplot function
         d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1;
         plt.plot(x_seconds, item["avgrqsz"], marker, label=d11);
         plt.xlabel(" ");                        # Don't put an x-axis label since it's the top plot
         plt.ylabel(ylabel1, fontsize=fsize);    # Use a 10 pt font for y-axis label
         ax1.set_xticklabels([]);                # get x-axis tick label
      # end if
      # Legend
      box = ax1.get_position()
      ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height])
      leg1 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                        borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
      frame1 = leg1.get_frame();
      frame1.set_facecolor("0.80");           # Make legend box have a gray background
      for t in leg1.get_texts():
         t.set_fontsize(flegsize);            # Change the font size of the legend text to 10 pt.
      # end for

      # Middle plot
      jloop = -1;
      for item in device_data_list:
         jloop = jloop + 1;

         marker = line_list[jloop];
         ax2 = plt.subplot(312);
         d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2;
         plt.plot(x_seconds, item["avgqusz"], marker, label=d22);

         plt.xlabel(" ");
         plt.ylabel(ylabel2, fontsize=fsize);
      # end for
      # Legend:
      box = ax2.get_position()
      ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height])
      leg2 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                        borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
      frame2 = leg2.get_frame();
      for t in leg2.get_texts():
      # end for

      # Bottom plot
      ax3 = plt.subplot(313);
      plt.plot(x_seconds, time_sum_list, "go-", label=d3);
      plt.ylabel(ylabel3, fontsize=fsize);

      # Legend
      box = ax3.get_position()
      ax3.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height])
      leg3 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                        borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
      frame3 = leg3.get_frame();
      for t in leg3.get_texts():
      # end for

      # Either save the plot to a file or display it to the screen
      if (len(filename) == 0):;
      # end if
   # end if

   # HTML Output:
   output_str = "<center> \n";
   junk1 = "requests_queue_total_cpu" + str(iloop) + ".png";
   output_str = output_str + "<img src=\"" + junk1 + "\"> \n";
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Average Request Size (sectors), Average Queue Length, and Total CPU Utilization Percentage for device: " + item["device"] + "</strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Average Request Size (sectors), Average Queue Length, and Total CPU Utilization Percentage </strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   #end if
   output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "</P> \n \n";

# end def

def plot10v10(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
           fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list):
   # Figure 10: Average Wait Times for read, write requests
   # (for V10 format of sysstat)
   junk1 = "avg_wait_time_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = "<H4> \n"
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">Average Read Request Time (ms), Average Write Request Time (ms), and Total CPU Utilization</a>";
      output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n";
      output_str = output_str + "</H4> \n";
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = "<H3> \n"
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">Average Read Request Time (ms), Average Write Request Time (ms), and Total CPU Utilization</a>";
      output_str = output_str + "</H3> \n";
   #end if

   output_str = output_str + " \n";
   output_str = output_str + "<P> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "This figure has three parts. The top graph plots the average \n";
   output_str = output_str + "time (in milliseconds) for read requests issued to \n";
   output_str = output_str + "the device to be served. This includes the time spent by the \n";
   output_str = output_str + "requests in queue and the time spent servicing them. The middle \n";
   output_str = output_str + "graph plots the average time (in milliseconds) for write \n";
   output_str = output_str + "requests issued to the device to be  served. This includes \n";
   output_str = output_str + "the time spent by the requests in queue and the time spent \n";
   output_str = output_str + "servicing them. The bottom graph plots the Total CPU Utilization \n";
   output_str = output_str + "percentage (User Time + System Time). \n";

   # make the plot
   ylabel1 = "Average Read Request \n Time (ms)";
   ylabel2 = "Average Write Request \n Time (ms)";
   ylabel3 = "Total CPU \n Percentage \n Utilization";
   xlabel = "Time (seconds)";
   d1 = "Avg. Read Req Time";
   d2 = "Avg. Write Req Time";
   d3 = "Total CPU Utilization";
   filename = dirname + "/avg_request_time_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
   fsize = 8;
   flegsize = 6;

   if (combined_plots == 0):

      # Compute box_expansion factor:
      box_expansion = 0.86;   # default
      ilongest = 0;
      if (len(d1) > ilongest):
         ilongest = len(d1);
      # end if
      if (len(d2) > ilongest):
         ilongest = len(d2);
      # end if
      if (len(d3) > ilongest):
         ilongest = len(d3);
      # end if
      junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948;   # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box
      expansion_box = round(junk1,2);

      Three_Chart(x_seconds, item["r_await"], x_seconds, item["w_await"], x_seconds, time_sum_list,
                  xlabel, ylabel1, ylabel2, ylabel3, d1, d2, d3, fsize, flegsize, filename,
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      jloop = -1;

       # Compute box_expansion factor:
      box_expansion = 0.86;   # default
      ilongest = 0;
      for item in device_data_list:
         if (len(d1) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d1);
         # end if
         d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1;
         if (len(d11) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d11);
         # end if
         if (len(d2) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d2);
         # end if
         d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2;
         if (len(d22) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d22);
         # end if
         if (len(d3) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d3);
         # end if
         d33 = item["device"] + " " + d3;
         if (len(d33) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d33);
         # end if
      # end for
      junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948;   # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box
      expansion_box = round(junk1,2);

      # Top Plot
      for item in device_data_list:
         jloop = jloop + 1;

         marker = line_list[jloop];
         ax1 = plt.subplot(311);                 # Define top plot using subplot function
         d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1;
         plt.plot(x_seconds, item["r_await"], marker, label=d11);
         plt.xlabel(" ");                        # Don't put an x-axis label since it's the top plot
         plt.ylabel(ylabel1, fontsize=fsize);    # Use a 10 pt font for y-axis label
         ax1.set_xticklabels([]);                # get x-axis tick label
      # end if
      # Legend
      box = ax1.get_position()
      ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height])
      leg1 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                        borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
      frame1 = leg1.get_frame();
      frame1.set_facecolor("0.80");           # Make legend box have a gray background
      for t in leg1.get_texts():
         t.set_fontsize(flegsize);            # Change the font size of the legend text to 10 pt.
      # end for

      # Middle plot
      jloop = -1;
      for item in device_data_list:
         jloop = jloop + 1;

         marker = line_list[jloop];
         ax2 = plt.subplot(312);
         d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2;
         plt.plot(x_seconds, item["w_await"], marker, label=d22);
         plt.xlabel(" ");
         plt.ylabel(ylabel2, fontsize=fsize);
      # end for
      # Legend:
      box = ax2.get_position()
      ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height])
      leg2 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                        borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
      frame2 = leg2.get_frame();
      for t in leg2.get_texts():
      # end for

      # Bottom plot
      ax3 = plt.subplot(313);
      plt.plot(x_seconds, time_sum_list, "go-", label=d3);
      plt.ylabel(ylabel3, fontsize=fsize);

      # Legend
      box = ax3.get_position()
      ax3.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height])
      leg3 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                        borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
      frame3 = leg3.get_frame();
      for t in leg3.get_texts():
      # end for


      # Either save the plot to a file or display it to the screen
      if (len(filename) == 0):;
      # end if
   #end if

   # HTML Output:
   output_str = "<center> \n";
   junk1 = "avg_request_time_total_cpu" + str(iloop) + ".png";
   output_str = output_str + "<img src=\"" + junk1 + "\"> \n";
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Average Read Request Time (ms), Average Write Request Time (ms), and Total CPU Utilization for device: " + item["device"] + "</strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Average Read Request Time (ms), Average Write Request Time (ms), and Total CPU Utilization </strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   # end if
   output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "</P> \n \n";

# end def

def plot10v9(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
           fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list):
   # Figure 10: Average Wait Times for requests and total CPU time
   # (for V10 format of sysstat)
   junk1 = "avg_wait_time_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = "<H4> \n"
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">Average Request Time (ms) and Total CPU Utilization</a>";
      output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n";
      output_str = output_str + "</H4> \n";
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = "<H3> \n"
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">Average Request Time (ms) and Total CPU Utilization</a>";
      output_str = output_str + "</H3> \n";
   #end if

   output_str = output_str + " \n";
   output_str = output_str + "<P> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "This figure has two parts. The top graph plots the average \n";
   output_str = output_str + "time (in milliseconds) for requests issued to the device to\n";
   output_str = output_str + "be served. This includes the time spent by the requests in queue \n";
   output_str = output_str + "and the time spent servicing them. The bottom graph plots \n";
   output_str = output_str + "the Total CPU Utilization percentage (User Time + System Time). \n";

   # make the plot
   ylabel1 = "Average Request \n Time (ms)";
   ylabel2 = "Total CPU \n Percentage \n Utilization";
   xlabel = "Time (seconds)";
   d1 = "Avg. Req Time";
   d2 = "Total CPU Utilization";
   filename = dirname + "/avg_request_time_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
   fsize = 8;
   flegsize = 6;

   if (combined_plots == 0):

      # Compute box_expansion factor:
      box_expansion = 0.86;   # default
      ilongest = 0;
      if (len(d1) > ilongest):
         ilongest = len(d1);
      # end if
      if (len(d2) > ilongest):
         ilongest = len(d2);
      # end if
      junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948;   # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box
      expansion_box = round(junk1,2);

      Two_Chart(x_seconds, item["await"], x_seconds, time_sum_list, xlabel, ylabel1,
                ylabel2, d1, d2, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion);
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      jloop = -1;

      # Compute box_expansion factor:
      box_expansion = 0.86;   # default
      ilongest = 0;
      for item in device_data_list:
         if (len(d1) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d1);
         # end if
         d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1;
         if (len(d11) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d11);
         # end if
         if (len(d2) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d2);
         # end if
         d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2;
         if (len(d22) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d22);
         # end if
      # end for
      junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948;   # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box
      expansion_box = round(junk1,2);

      # Top Plot
      for item in device_data_list:
         jloop = jloop + 1;

         marker = line_list[jloop];
         ax1 = plt.subplot(211);                 # Define top plot using subplot function
         d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1;
         plt.plot(x_seconds, item["await"], marker, label=d11);
         plt.xlabel(" ");                        # Don't put an x-axis label since it's the top plot
         plt.ylabel(ylabel1, fontsize=fsize);    # Use a 10 pt font for y-axis label
         ax1.set_xticklabels([]);                # get x-axis tick label
      # end if
      # Legend
      box = ax1.get_position()
      ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height])
      leg1 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                        borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
      frame1 = leg1.get_frame();
      frame1.set_facecolor("0.80");           # Make legend box have a gray background
      for t in leg1.get_texts():
         t.set_fontsize(flegsize);            # Change the font size of the legend text to 10 pt.
      # end for

      # Bottom plot
      ax2 = plt.subplot(212);
      plt.plot(x_seconds, time_sum_list, "go-", label=d2);
      plt.ylabel(ylabel2, fontsize=fsize);

      # Legend
      box = ax2.get_position()
      ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height])
      leg2 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                        borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
      frame2 = leg2.get_frame();
      for t in leg2.get_texts():
      # end for


      # Either save the plot to a file or display it to the screen
      if (len(filename) == 0):;
      # end if
   #end if

   # HTML Output:
   output_str = "<center> \n";
   junk1 = "avg_request_time_total_cpu" + str(iloop) + ".png";
   output_str = output_str + "<img src=\"" + junk1 + "\"> \n";
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Average Request Time (ms) and Total CPU Utilization for device: " + item["device"] + "</strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Average Request Time (ms) and Total CPU Utilization </strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   # end if
   output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "</P> \n \n";

# end def

def plot11(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
          fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list):
   # Figure 11: Percentage CPU Util
   junk1 = "util_cpu_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = "<H4> \n"
      junk1 = "util_cpu_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">Percentage CPU Time for IO Requests and Total CPU Utilization</a>";
      output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n";
      output_str = output_str + "</H4> \n";
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = "<H3> \n"
      junk1 = "util_cpu_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
      output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". <a id=\"" + junk1 + "\">Percentage CPU Time for IO Requests and Total CPU Utilization</a>";
      output_str = output_str + "</H3> \n";
   # end if
   output_str = output_str + " \n";
   output_str = output_str + "<P> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "This figure has two parts. The top graph plots the \n";
   output_str = output_str + "percentage of CPU time during which I/O requests were issued \n";
   output_str = output_str + "to the device (bandwidth utilization for the device). \n";
   output_str = output_str + "Device saturation occurs when this value is close to 100%. \n";
   output_str = output_str + "The bottom graph plots the Total CPU Utilization percentage \n";
   output_str = output_str + "(User Time + System Time). \n";

   # make the plot
   ylabel1 = "% CPU time for IO \n Requests";
   ylabel2 = "Total CPU \n Percentage \n Utilization";
   xlabel = "Time (seconds)";
   d1 = "Util";
   d2 = "Total CPU Utilization";
   filename = dirname + "/util_cpu_total_cp" + str(iloop);
   fsize = 8;
   flegsize = 6;

   if (combined_plots == 0):

      # Compute box_expansion factor:
      box_expansion = 0.82;   # default
      ilongest = 0;
      if (len(d1) > ilongest):
         ilongest = len(d1);
      # end if
      if (len(d2) > ilongest):
         ilongest = len(d2);
      # end if
      junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948;   # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box
      expansion_box = round(junk1,2);

      Two_Chart(x_seconds, item["util"], x_seconds, time_sum_list, xlabel, ylabel1,
                ylabel2, d1, d2, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion);
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      jloop = -1;

      # Compute box_expansion factor:
      box_expansion = 0.90;   # default
      ilongest = 0;
      for item in device_data_list:
         if (len(d1) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d1);
         # end if
         d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1;
         if (len(d11) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d11);
         # end if
         if (len(d2) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d2);
         # end if
         d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2;
         if (len(d22) > ilongest):
            ilongest = len(d22);
         # end if
      # end for
      junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948;   # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box
      expansion_box = round(junk1,2);

      # Top plot
      for item in device_data_list:
         jloop = jloop + 1;

         marker = line_list[jloop];
         ax1 = plt.subplot(211);
         d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1;
         plt.plot(x_seconds, item["util"], marker, label=d11);
         plt.xlabel(" ");
         plt.ylabel(ylabel1, fontsize=fsize);
      # end for
      # Legend
      box = ax1.get_position();
      ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height])
      leg1 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                        borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
      frame1 = leg1.get_frame();
      for t in leg1.get_texts():
      # end for

      # Bottom Plot
      ax2 = plt.subplot(212);
      plt.plot(x_seconds, time_sum_list, "go-", label=d2);
      plt.ylabel(ylabel2, fontsize=fsize);

      # Legend
      box = ax2.get_position()
      ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height])
      leg2 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0,
                        borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2);
      frame2 = leg2.get_frame();
      for t in leg2.get_texts():
      # end for

      if (len(filename) == 0):;
      # end if
   #end if

   # HTML Output:
   output_str = "<center> \n";
   junk1 = "util_cpu_total_cp" + str(iloop) + ".png";
   output_str = output_str + "<img src=\"" + junk1 + "\"> \n";
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Percentage CPU Time for IO Requests and Total CPU Utilization for device: " + item["device"] + "</strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR><strong>Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Percentage CPU Time for IO Requests and Total CPU Utilization </strong></center><BR><BR> \n";
   # end if
   output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "</P> \n \n";

# end if

# ===================
# Main Python section
# ===================

if __name__ == '__main__':

   # Get the command line inputs
   input_options = sys.argv;
   combined_plots = 0;
   help_flag = 0;
   for item in input_options:
      if (item == "-c"):
         combined_plots = 1;
      elif (item == "-h"):
         help_flag = 1;
      # end if
   # end for
   input_filename = input_options[-1];

   if (help_flag == 1):
   # end if
   print "combined_plots = ",combined_plots;

   print "iostat plotting script";
   print " ";
   print "input filename: ",input_filename;

   # Initialize lists that will store data
   user_list = [];
   nice_list = [];
   system_list = [];
   iowait_list = [];
   steal_list = [];
   idle_list = [];
   date_list = [];
   time_list = [];
   meridian_list = [];

   # Initialize variables
   fsize = 8;
   vflag = 0;
   first_flag = 0;

   # Master dictionary of device data
   device_data_list = [];
   # Systat V 10 List element is dictionary:
   #   local_dict{"device"} = "device name"
   #   local_dict{"rrqm"} = [];
   #   local_dict{"wrqm"} = [];
   #   local_dict{"r"} = [];
   #   local_dict{"w"} = [];
   #   local_dict{"rMB"} = [];
   #   local_dict{"wMB"} = [];
   #   local_dict{"avgrqsz"} = [];
   #   local_dict{"avgqusz"} = [];
   #   local_dict{"await"} = [];
   #   local_dict{"r_await"} = [];
   #   local_dict{"w_await"} = [];
   #   local_dict{"svctm"} = [];
   #   local_dict{"util"} = [];
   # Systat V 9 List element is dictionary:
   #   local_dict{"device"} = "device name"
   #   local_dict{"rrqm"} = [];
   #   local_dict{"wrqm"} = [];
   #   local_dict{"r"} = [];
   #   local_dict{"w"} = [];
   #   local_dict{"rMB"} = [];
   #   local_dict{"wMB"} = [];
   #   local_dict{"avgrqsz"} = [];
   #   local_dict{"avgqusz"} = [];
   #   local_dict{"await"} = [];
   #   local_dict{"svctm"} = [];
   #   local_dict{"util"} = [];

   # flags for controlling flow
   info_flag = 1;       # 0 = don't gather system data, 1 = gather system data
   cpu_flag = -1;       # -1 = don't do anything, 0 = store CPU header info (only done once), 1 = Store CPU info
   device_flag = -1;    # -1 = store Device header info (only done once), 1 = store values, 2 = done
   data_flag = 0;       # -1 = cpu, 1 = device (which set of data is being gathered)
   time_flag = -1;      # -1 = don't read start time information, 1 = read start time information

   # loop over lines in input file
   print " ";
   print "reading iostat output file ... ";
   icount = 0;
   for line in open(input_filename,'r').readlines():
      currentline = shlex.split(line);

      if (len(currentline) > 0):
         if (device_flag == 0):
            #print "   Read device header";
            device_labels = [];
            device_labels = currentline;
            device_flag = 1;
         elif (device_flag == 1):
            #print "   Read device data";
            local_device = currentline[0];
            #print "      local_device = ",local_device
            if (len(device_data_list) > 0):
               ifind = 0;
               for iloop in range(0, len(device_data_list) ):
                  item = device_data_list[iloop];
                  #for item in device_data_list:
                  if (item["device"] == local_device):
                     #print "         adding data to existing device: ";
                     if (vflag == 9):
                     elif (vflag == 10):
                     #end if
                     ifind = 1;
                  # end if
               # end for
               if (ifind == 0):
                  #print "         creating new device ifind == 0";
                  if (first_flag == 0):
                     if (len(currentline) == 12):
                        vflag = 9;
                        print "Using Version 9 format of sysstat tools";
                     elif (len(currentline) == 14):
                        vflag = 10;
                        print "Using Version 10 format of sysstat tools";
                        print "Error: each line has ",len(currentline)," elements"
                        print "This code is designed for 12 elemenets for sysstat V9";
                        print "or 14 elements for sysstat V10";
                        print "Stopping";
                     # end if
                     first_flag = 1;
                  # end if
                  local_dict = {};
                  if (vflag == 9):
                     local_dict["device"] = local_device;
                     #print "      local_dict = ",local_dict
                  elif (vflag == 10):
                     local_dict["device"] = local_device;
                     #print "      local_dict = ",local_dict
                  # end if
               # end if
               #print "         creating new device else";
               if (first_flag == 0):
                  if (len(currentline) == 12):
                     vflag = 9;
                     print "Using Version 9 format of sysstat tools";
                  elif (len(currentline) == 14):
                     vflag = 10;
                     print "Using Version 10 format of sysstat tools";
                     print "Error: each line has ",len(currentline)," elements"
                     print "This code is designed for 12 elemenets for sysstat V9";
                     print "or 14 elements for sysstat V10";
                     print "Stopping";
                  # end if
                  first_flag = 1;
               # end if
               local_dict = {};
               if (vflag == 9):
                  local_dict["device"] = local_device;
               elif (vflag == 10):
                  local_dict["device"] = local_device;
               # end if
               #print "      local_dict = ",local_dict
            # end if

         elif (cpu_flag == 1):
            #print "   Reading and Storing CPU values";
            #print "      user_list = ",user_list
            #print "      nice_list = ",nice_list
            #print "      system_list = ",system_list
            #print "      iowait_list = ",iowait_list
            #print "      steal_list = ",steal_list
            #print "      idle_list = ",idle_list
            cpu_flag = -1;
            device_flag = 0;
         elif (cpu_flag == 0):
            #print "      Reading and storing CPU headers";
            cpu_labels = [];
            cpu_labels = currentline;
	    cpu_flag = 1;
            #print "      cpu_labels = ",cpu_labels
         elif (time_flag == 1):
            #print "   Read time information";
            date_list.append(currentline[0].replace("/"," "));
            # if meridian is PM then need to add 12 hours to time_list
            if (currentline[2] == "PM"):
               junk1 = currentline[1].replace(":"," ");
               junk2 = shlex.split(junk1);
               if ( int(junk2[0]) < 12):
                  junk3 = int(junk2[0]) + 12;
               elif (int(junk2[0]) == 12):
                  junk3 = int(junk2[0]);
               # end if
               junk4 = str(junk3) + ":" + junk2[1] + ":" + junk2[2];
            # end if
            #print "      date_list = ",date_list
            #print "      time_list = ",time_list
            time_flag = -1;
            cpu_flag = 0;
            icount = icount + 1;
         elif (info_flag == 1):
            #print "   Read system information";
            system_info = {};
            system_info["OS"] = currentline[0];
            system_info["kernel"] = currentline[1];
            system_info["system_name"] = currentline[2][1:len(currentline[2])-1];
            system_info["date"] = currentline[3];
            system_info["CPU"] = currentline[4];
            system_info["cores"] = currentline[5][1:];
            info_flag = 0;
            time_flag = 1;
            #print "   system_info:",system_info
         # end if
         #print "Finished reading section - get ready for next section";
         if (device_flag == 1):
            device_flag = -1;
            time_flag = 1;
            cpu_flag = -1;
            info_flag = 0;
         # end if
      # end if
   # end for
   print "Finished reading ",icount," data points for ",len(device_data_list)," devices.";
   print "Creating plots and HTML report";

   # Create time list for x-axis data (need to convert to regular time format)
   x_seconds = [];
   for i in range(0,len(date_list)):
      test2 = shlex.split(date_list[i]);
      test3 = test2[2] + "-" + test2[0] + "-" + test2[1];

      junk1 = test3 + " " + time_list[i];
      ts = time.mktime(time.strptime(junk1, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'));
      if (i == 0):
         BeginTime = ts;
         x_seconds.append( (ts - BeginTime) );
      # end if
   # end of

   # "Total" CPU utilziation (user + system)
   time_sum_list = [];
   for i in range(0,len(user_list)):
       time_sum_list.append( (user_list[i] + system_list[i]) );
   # end for

   # HTML Report initialization
   #    Write all data files to subdirectory called HTML_REPORT
   #    File is report.html
   dirname ="./HTML_REPORT";
   if not os.path.exists(dirname):
   # end if
   html_filename = dirname + '/report.html';
   f = open(html_filename, 'w')

   # Print HTML Report header
   output_str = "<H2>\n";
   output_str = output_str + "IOSTAT Report for file: " + input_filename + " \n";
   output_str = output_str + "</H2>\n";
   output_str = output_str + " \n";

   # HTML Introduction
   output_str = "<H3>\n";
   output_str = output_str + "Introduction \n";
   output_str = output_str + "</H3> \n \n";
   output_str = output_str + "<P>\n";
   output_str = output_str + "This report plots the iostat output contained in file: \n";
   output_str = output_str + input_filename + ". The devices analyzed are: \n";
   output_str = output_str + "<UL> \n";
   for item in device_data_list:
      output_str = output_str + "   <LI>" + item["device"] + " \n";
   # end if
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = output_str + "</UL> \n";
      output_str = output_str + "For each devices there are a series of plots of the output \n";
      output_str = output_str + "from iostat that was captured. The report is contained in a\n";
      output_str = output_str + "subdirectory HTML_REPORT. In that directory you will find a \n";
      output_str = output_str + "file name report.html. Just open that file in a browser \n";
      output_str = output_str + "and you will see the plots. Please note that all plots are \n";
      output_str = output_str + "referenced to the beginning time of the iostat run. \n";
      output_str = output_str + "</P>\n";
      output_str = output_str + " \n";
   elif(combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = output_str + "</UL> \n";
      output_str = output_str + "There are a series of plots from the captured iostat output \n";
      output_str = output_str + "where all devices are plotted together where possible. \n";
      output_str = output_str + "The report is contained in a\n";
      output_str = output_str + "subdirectory HTML_REPORT. In that directory you will find a \n";
      output_str = output_str + "file name report.html. Just open that file in a browser \n";
      output_str = output_str + "and you will see the plots. Please note that all plots are \n";
      output_str = output_str + "referenced to the beginning time of the iostat run. \n";
      output_str = output_str + "</P>\n";
      output_str = output_str + " \n";
   # end if

   # HTML System Output (from iostat):
   output_str = "<P> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "IOstat outputs a number of basic system parameters when it \n";
   output_str = output_str + "creates the output. These parameters are listed below. \n";
   output_str = output_str + "<UL> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "   <LI>System Name: " + system_info["system_name"] + " \n";
   output_str = output_str + "   <LI>OS: " + system_info["OS"] + " \n";
   output_str = output_str + "   <LI>Kernel: " + system_info["kernel"] + " \n";
   output_str = output_str + "   <LI>Number of Cores " + system_info["cores"] + " \n";
   output_str = output_str + "   <LI>Core Type " + system_info["CPU"] + " \n";
   output_str = output_str + "</UL> \n";
   output_str = output_str + "The iostat run was started on " + system_info["date"] + " at \n";
   output_str = output_str + time_list[0] + " " + meridian_list[0] + ". \n";
   output_str = output_str + "</P> \n";

   # HTML hyperlinks
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      output_str = "<P> \n";
      output_str = output_str + "Below are hyperlinks to various plots within the report \n";
      output_str = output_str + "for each device. \n";
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR> \n";
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      output_str = "<P> \n";
      output_str = output_str + "Below are hyperlinks to various plots within the report \n";
      output_str = output_str + "where all of the devices are plotted together on each chart. \n";
      output_str = output_str + "<BR><BR> \n";
   # end if
   iloop = -1;
   plots_per_device = 11;
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      max_plots = plots_per_device * len(device_data_list);
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      max_plots = plots_per_device;
   #end if
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      for item in device_data_list:
         iloop = iloop + 1;
         output_str = "<strong>" + item["device"] + "</strong>: \n";
         junk1 = (iloop)*plots_per_device+1;
         output_str = output_str + "<OL start=" + str(junk1) + "> \n";
         junk1 = "cpu_utilization" + str(iloop);
         output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">CPU Utilization</a> \n";
         junk1 = "iowait_cpu_utilization" + str(iloop);
         output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">IOwait Percentage Time</a> \n";
         junk1 = "steal_cpu_utilization" + str(iloop);
         output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">Steal Percentage Time</a> \n";
         junk1 = "idle_cpu_utilization" + str(iloop);
         output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">Idle Percentage Time</a> \n";
         junk1 = "rmb_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
         output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">Read Throughput and Total CPU Utilization</a> \n";
         junk1 = "wmb_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
         output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">Write Throughput and Total CPU Utilization</a> \n";
         junk1 = "requests_complete_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
         output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">Read Requests Complete Rate, Write Requests Complete Rate, and Total CPU Utilization</a> \n";
         junk1 = "requests_merged_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
         output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">Read Requests Merged Rate, Write Requests Merged Rate, and Total CPU Utilization</a> \n";
         junk1 = "requests_queue_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
         output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">Average Request Size, Average Queue Length, and Total CPU Utilization Percentage</a> \n";
         junk1 = "avg_wait_time_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
         if (vflag == 10):
            output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">Average Read Request Time, Average Write Request Time, and Total CPU Utilization</a> \n";
         elif (vflag == 9):
            output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">Average Request Time and Total CPU Utilization</a> \n";
         # end if
         junk1 = "util_cpu_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
         output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">Percentage CPU Time for IO Requests and Total CPU Utilization</a> \n";
         output_str = output_str + "</OL> \n";
         output_str = output_str + "</P> \n";
         output_str = output_str + " \n";
      # end if
   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      iloop = 0;
      iloop = iloop + 1;
      output_str = "<OL start=" + str(iloop) + "> \n";
      junk1 = "cpu_utilization" + str(iloop);
      output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">CPU Utilization</a> \n";
      junk1 = "iowait_cpu_utilization" + str(iloop);
      output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">IOwait Percentage Time</a> \n";
      junk1 = "steal_cpu_utilization" + str(iloop);
      output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">Steal Percentage Time</a> \n";
      junk1 = "idle_cpu_utilization" + str(iloop);
      output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">Idle Percentage Time</a> \n";
      junk1 = "rmb_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
      output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">Read Throughput and Total CPU Utilization</a> \n";
      junk1 = "wmb_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
      output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">Write Throughput and Total CPU Utilization</a> \n";
      junk1 = "requests_complete_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
      output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">Read Requests Complete Rate, Write Requests Complete Rate, and Total CPU Utilization</a> \n";
      junk1 = "requests_merged_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
      output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">Read Requests Merged Rate, Write Requests Merged Rate, and Total CPU Utilization</a> \n";
      junk1 = "requests_queue_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
      output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">Average Request Size, Average Queue Length, and Total CPU Utilization Percentage</a> \n";
      junk1 = "avg_wait_time_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
      if (vflag == 10):
         output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">Average Read Request Time, Average Write Request Time, and Total CPU Utilization</a> \n";
      elif (vflag == 9):
         output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">Average Request Time and Total CPU Utilization</a> \n";
      # end if
      junk1 = "util_cpu_total_cpu" + str(iloop);
      output_str = output_str + "   <LI><a href=\"#" + junk1 + "\">Percentage CPU Time for IO Requests and Total CPU Utilization</a> \n";
      output_str = output_str + "</OL> \n";
      output_str = output_str + "</P> \n";
      output_str = output_str + " \n";

   # Create array of line colors/styles:
   # line_style = ['-', '--', '-.'];
   # line_marker  = ['o', '^', 's', '*', '+', '<', '>', 'v'];
   color_list = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k'];
   line_style = ['o-', '^--', 's-.', '*-', '<--', '>-.', 'v-', 'o--'];
   line_list = [];
   for line_type in line_style:
      for color in color_list:
         junk2 = color + line_type;
      # end for
   # end for

   # Actually create the plots!!
   if (combined_plots == 0):
      # Loop over each device and create plots and HTML:
      iloop = -1;
      iplot = 0;
      for item in device_data_list:
         iloop = iloop + 1;

         print "Device: ",item["device"];
         output_str = "<HR> \n";

         output_str = "<H3>Device: " + item["device"] + "</H3> \n";

         # Figure 1: Various CPU percentages (user, system, nice) vs. time (3 subplots)
         iplot = iplot + 1;
         plot1(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, user_list, system_list,
               nice_list, fsize, item);
         print "   Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots;

         # Figure 2: iowait percentage time
         iplot = iplot + 1;
         fsize = 6;
         plot2(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, iowait_list,
               fsize, item);
         print "   Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots;

         # Figure 3: Steal Time
         iplot = iplot + 1;
         plot3(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, steal_list,
               fsize, item);
         print "   Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots;

         # Figure 4: Idle Time
         iplot = iplot + 1;
         plot4(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, idle_list,
               fsize, item);
         print "   Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots;

         # Figure 5: Read Throughput and Total CPU Utilization
         iplot = iplot + 1;
         fsize = 6;
         plot5(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
               fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list);
         print "   Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots;

         # Figure 6: Write Throughput and Total CPU Utilization
         iplot = iplot + 1;
         plot6(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
               fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list);
         print "   Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots;

         # Figure 7: Read Request complete rate, Write Request complete rate, and Total CPU Utilization
         # HTML report output (opt of section)
         iplot = iplot + 1;
         fsize = 6
         plot7(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
               fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list);
         print "   Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots;

         # Figure 8: Read Request merge rate, Write Request merge rate, and Total CPU Utilization
         iplot = iplot + 1;
         plot8(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
               fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list);
         print "   Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots;

         # Figure 9: Avg. Request Size, Avg. Queue Length, and Total CPU Utilization
         iplot = iplot + 1;
         plot9(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
               fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list);
         print "   Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots;

         # Figure 10: Average Wait Times for read, write requests
         iplot = iplot + 1;
         if (vflag == 9):
            plot10v9(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
                     fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list);
         elif (vflag == 10):
            plot10v10(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
                      fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list);
         # end if
         print "   Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots;

         # Figure 11: Percentage CPU Util
         iplot = iplot + 1;
         plot11(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
                fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list);
         print "   Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots;
      # end for

   elif (combined_plots == 1):
      # For each plot, Loop over each device and create plot and HTML:
      iloop = 1;
      iplot = 0;

      output_str = "<HR> \n";

      # Figure 1: Various CPU percentages (user, system, nice) vs. time (3 subplots)
      iplot = iplot + 1;
      plot1(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, user_list, system_list,
            nice_list, fsize, item);
      print "   Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots;

      # Figure 2: iowait percentage time
      iplot = iplot + 1;
      plot2(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, iowait_list,
            fsize, item);
      print "   Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots;

      # Figure 3: Steal Time
      iplot = iplot + 1;
      plot3(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, steal_list,
            fsize, item);
      print "   Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots;

      # Figure 4: Idle Time
      iplot = iplot + 1;
      plot4(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, idle_list,
            fsize, item);
      print "   Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots;

      # Figure 5: Read Throughput and Total CPU Utilization
      iplot = iplot + 1;
      fsize = 6;
      plot5(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
           fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list);
      print "   Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots;

      # Figure 6: Write Throughput and Total CPU Utilization
      iplot = iplot + 1;
      plot6(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
            fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list);
      print "   Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots;

      # Figure 7: Read Request complete rate, Write Request complete rate, and Total CPU Utilization
      iplot = iplot + 1;
      plot7(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
          fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list);
      print "   Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots;

      # Figure 8: Read Request merge rate, Write Request merge rate, and Total CPU Utilization
      iplot = iplot + 1;
      plot8(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
            fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list);
      print "   Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots;

      # Figure 9: Avg. Request Size, Avg. Queue Length, and Total CPU Utilization
      iplot = iplot + 1;
      plot9(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
            fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list);
      print "   Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots;

      # Figure 10: Average Wait Times for read, write requests
      iplot = iplot + 1;
      if (vflag == 9):
         plot10v9(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
                  fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list);
      elif (vflag == 10):
         plot10v10(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
                  fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list);
      # end if
      print "   Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots;

      # Figure 11: Percentage CPU Util
      iplot = iplot + 1;
      plot11(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list,
             fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list);
      print "   Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots;
   # end of
   print "Finished. Please open the document HTML/report.html in a browser.";

   # Start of Pickling
   # =================
   if (pickle_success > 0):
      # Open file for pickling
      pickle_file = open('iostat_file.pickle', 'w')

      # Big dictionary:
      iostat_dict = {};

      # Create CPU dictionary for pickling:
      cpu_data = {};
      cpu_data["user_list"] = user_list;
      cpu_data["nice_list"] = nice_list;
      cpu_data["system_list"] = system_list;
      cpu_data["iowait_list"] = iowait_list;
      cpu_data["steal_list"] = steal_list;
      cpu_data["idle_list"] = idle_list;
      cpu_data["cpu_labels"] = cpu_labels;
      cpu_data["time_sum_list"] = time_sum_list;
      cpu_data["version"] = vflag;

      # Time dictionary for pickling:
      time_data = {};
      time_data["date_list"] = date_list;
      time_data["time_list"] = time_list;
      time_data["meridian_list"] = meridian_list;

      # Device data
      #device_data = {};
      #device_data["rrqm"] = device_data_list["rrqm"];
      #device_data["wrqm"] = device_data_list["wrqm"];
      #device_data["r"] = device_data_list["r"];
      #device_data["w"] = device_data_list["w"];
      #device_data["rMB"] = device_data_list["rMB"];
      #device_data["wMB"] = device_data_list["wMB"];
      #device_data["avgrqsz"] = device_data_list["avgrqsz"];
      #device_data["avgqusz"] = device_data_list["avgqusz"];
      #device_data["await"] = device_data_list["await"];
      #device_data["r_await"] = device_data_list["r_await"];
      #device_data["w_await"] = device_data_list["w_await"];
      #device_data["svctm"] = device_data_list["svctm"];
      #device_data["util"] = device_data_list["util"];

      # Assemble the big pickle;
      iostat_dict["device_data_list"] = device_data_list;
      iostat_dict["cpu_data"] = cpu_data;
      iostat_dict["system_info"] = system_info;
      iostat_dict["time_data"] = time_data;
      iostat_dict["x_seconds"] = x_seconds;

      # Write list to pickle file
      pickle.dump(iostat_dict, pickle_file);

      # Close pickle file
   # end if
# end



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