WHAT IS LSOF AND BENEFIT: lsof lists every used file (and in linux a file is everything) so this lists every used everything. AKA spying on your system (see if there is a culprit, find whats using a mount point, if you cant unmount something etc)
Here is another way to see what PIDs/programs are using something:
fuser -m FILEorFOLDER
First read lsof man page: http://linux.die.net/man/8/lsof
see whats using your stuff
lsof /somemount/
lsof | grep /somemount/ | awk ‘{print $2}’ | xargs kill
lsof | grep /somemount/ | awk ‘{print $2}’ | xargs kill -9
what is connected to internet:
lsof -P -i -n
all open files bvy particular command:
lsof -p 1061
lsof -c minidlna
spy on process with lsof
lsof -p 1061 -r
lsof -c minidlna -r
before starting process:
lsof -rc command >> /tmp/command.txt
then view
spy on process:
diff <(lsof -p 1061) <(lsof -p 1061)
pid=1061; lsof -p $pid > t1; watch -n1 “lsof -p $pid > t2; diff -y t1 t2”
pid=1061; lsof -p $pid > t1; watch -n1 “lsof -p $pid > t2; diff t1 t2”
pid=1061; lsof -p $pid > t1; watch -n1 “lsof -p $pid > t2; head -n1 t1; diff t1 t2”
pname=”minidlna”; lsof -c $pname > t1; watch -n1 “lsof -c $pname > t2; head -n1 t1; diff t1 t2”
what is using sounrd:
lsof | grep pcm
spy on whole system – whats different from one moment:
lsof > t1; watch -n1 “lsof> t2; head -n1 t1; diff t1 t2 | grep -v ‘lsof\|watch'”
lsof > t1; watch -n1 “lsof> t2; head -n1 t1; diff t1 t2 | egrep -v ‘lsof|watch'”
spy on whole system – whats different every moment:
watch “lsof > tnew; (diff tnew told | egrep -v ‘lsof|watch’;); cat tnew > told”
diff shows too many > and < lets just see the new or old stuff – without greping out watch and lsof
only is new – so whats in tnew:
watch “lsof > tnew; comm -13 tnew told; cat tnew > told”
only in the old things – what went away:
watch “lsof > tnew; comm -23 tnew told; cat tnew > told”
whats unique in both – with tabs:
watch “lsof > tnew; comm -3 tnew told ; cat tnew > told”
without tabs:
watch “lsof > tnew; (comm -3 tnew told | sed ‘s/^\t//’;); cat tnew > told”
diff shows too many > and < lets just see the new or old stuff – greping out watch and lsof
only is new – so whats in tnew:
watch “lsof > tnew; (comm -13 tnew told | egrep -v ‘lsof|watch’;);cat tnew > told”
only in the old things – what went away:
watch “lsof > tnew; (comm -23 tnew told| egrep -v ‘lsof|watch’;); cat tnew > told”
whats unique in both – with tabs:
watch “lsof > tnew; (comm -3 tnew told | egrep -v ‘lsof|watch’;); cat tnew > told”
without tabs:
watch “lsof > tnew; (comm -3 tnew told | sed ‘s/^\t//’ | egrep -v ‘lsof|watch’;); cat tnew > told”
comm lesson
comm Another way to look at it:
Show lines that only exist in file a:
comm -23 a b
Show lines that only exist in file b:
comm -13 a b
Show lines that only exist in one file or the other:
comm -3 a b | sed ‘s/^\t//’
dd across internet and split
dd if=/dev/sda | pv -c | gzip | ssh user@backupserver “split -b 2048m -d – backup-`hostname -s`.img.gz”

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