The Views Expressed Below Do not in any way reflect Internal Doctorine or Official Statements of Netgear Inc. These are just my notes – Use at your own Risk.
I will show you how to get youtube-dl on your system and also how to download a whole playlist.
In this example we will download the “Netgear Smart Network / Genie Developer Tutorial Videos” from youtube so that you can have them for offline viewing. First we get the playlist link which has the word playlist? in it
And videos like this one on How Linux is Built just have a watch? string in them
The problem with offline viewing is if updates comeout then your not up to date with them. With internet being every where nowadays offline viewing is slowly becoming a thing of the past. Anyhow I just wanted to let you know that incase your using the Netgear Smart NEtworking Developer Tutorial Videos, make sure you have the most up to date ones (not sure if updates will be made on it, its probably just single editions) because if you dont, you cant sue me as I just warned you 🙂
What is youtube-dl?
Which downloads the best quality videos by default
Can list quality and download other or all qualities per video
Can do the same for playlist
For debian install guide:
DL here:
wget <LINK>
ls -lisah
dpkg –contents <DOWNLOADED.deb>
dpkg -i <DOWNLOADED.deb>
For example it had error about something like dialog
I googled it and it said I needed the dialog package
So: apt-get install dialog
Then repeat: dpkg -i <DOWNLOADED.deb>
If more errors repeat process, google, download, retry.
Try to update it (it prob wont since you downloaded it with deb file)
youtube-dl -U
To DL Video or Playlist put the Video or playlist URL in quotes below
cd /downloadarea
youtube-dl “PLAYLIST or VIDEO LINK”
-c resumes dls
-i continue on download errors
-t use title in
EXAMPLE – These are the Netgear SmartNetwork Developer Videos:
youtube-dl -cit “”
It will download 1 gig worth of videos

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